Library Hours:
The Franklin Park Public Library District Board of Trustees is responsible for determining the rules of behavior in the facility and surrounding grounds. The Library’s Public Internet and Technology Policy regulates activities on computers and other electronic devices, but use of such devices is not excluded from this policy. The intention of this policy is to:
The rules of behavior will be posted in the Library facility and on the Library’s website. Staff are empowered to enforce these rules and any actions, which in their judgment, infringe on the productive use and enjoyment of the Library by others. Those whose conduct is disruptive to Library operations and other patrons’ use of the Library may have their library privileges abridged or denied. Illinois Library Law (75 ILCS 5/4-7) gives the Board the right “to exclude from the use of the Library any person who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the Board.”
No list can be exhaustive, and any conduct that disrupts the Library is prohibited. Conduct which may lead to denial of Library privileges includes, but is not limited to:
Children under age eight (8) must be supervised by a parent or other responsible caregiver fourteen (14) years or older at all times while in the Library and on Library grounds. (“Supervised” means that the parent or caregiver is within sight of their children and is ensuring compliance with the Building Use and Patron Conduct Policy.)
Children who are eight (8) or older may use the Library unattended provided they conduct themselves in an appropriate manner as described in this policy. Unaccompanied children under the age of eight (8) will be referred to the custody of the Franklin Park Police to ensure their safety.
For children’s safety, staff will not give out any information about children’s whereabouts or relay messages to/from phone callers.
Parents accept full responsibility for the material selection and use of the Internet by their children, as acknowledged in the Circulation Policy, Collection Development Policy and Public Internet Policy.
Staff should use their best judgement when a patron asks to use the phone. If the health, safety, or security of a patron depends upon a phone call, staff can make the call for the patron.
All patrons must expeditiously leave the Library premises at closing time. Transportation is the sole responsibility of the patron or parent, guardian or other authorized person.
If any child under the age of eight (8) does not have a responsible adult present when the Library closes, two Library staff members will stay with the child. After waiting ten minutes and unsuccessfully attempting to contact the responsible adult, the child will be referred to the custody of the Franklin Park Police to ensure his/her safety. An incident report must be written for any situation of an unattended child.
Under no circumstances should staff give children or other patrons rides, or be left alone with them, even if they know them.
Any staff member may enforce this Policy by pointing out violations to patrons and requesting compliance. Staff may request that a patron who refuses to comply leave the Library for the remainder of the day or until his or her behavior is brought into compliance. Staff may call the police for assistance if a patron refuses to comply and/or refuses to leave. Staff must report serious or recurring violations to the Librarian-in-Charge. For such violations, the Librarian-in-Charge must ensure that an incident report is written by writing it her/himself or assisting other staff directly involved in the incident in completing the report.
Video and photos from security camera footage showing a violation of this Policy may be used to support suspension or termination of a patron’s library privileges and/or immediate ejection from the Library. Security camera footage may also be shared with law enforcement according to the Response to Law Enforcement Policy.
The Executive Director is authorized by the Board of Trustees to exclude from the use of the Library any person who engages in disruptive behavior.
A person whose privileges are denied may appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees in writing within one month of the exclusion date. The appeal will be considered at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. The decision of the Board is final.
Adopted 2/12/08 Latest Revision: 11/12/2024
We are offering autorenewals by default for the majority of our items.
How automatic renewals work:
Franklin Park Library is fine free as of fall 2021.
Overdue fines are not be charged on most Franklin Park Library items.
Fines are still assessed for:
Fines on items from other libraries may be assessed on your account if that library is not fine free.
Being fine free lifts the financial barriers to library use and increases access for the entire Franklin Park community.
Going fine free creates a positive experience without the additional financial worry fines can bring. This may encourage you to use the library more frequently and check out more items, and library staff can focus on customer service rather than fines. Everyone benefits by going fine free.
Items still have due dates, and you remain accountable for returning items. Most items renew automatically up to two times, as long as there are no holds on the item.
Signing up for email and text reminders to help you return items on time. Learn more here. When items are returned early or on time, your fellow patrons can borrow items sooner.
If items are overdue by 14 days or more, your library account will be blocked for both physical and digital checkouts. The block will be removed once items are returned or your bill is paid.
These procedures are in place to continue to motivate everyone to return items in a timely fashion.
Fines are a daily amount charged for each day the item is overdue. These are the charges being dropped.
Fees are a replacement cost for items that are damaged or not returned. Fees are not waived if the item is over 60 days overdue.
If you are having a difficult time paying fees, please contact
Yes. If you check out an item at a library that is not fine free, you can still be charged a fine from that library. However, many area libraries have already made the decision to go fine free.
If you return the item, the charges will be removed. However, if the item is 60 days+ overdue, it is not eligible for a fee waiver and the replacement cost will be charged.
Circulation Services accepts cash, credit cards, and personal checks to pay for fees.
This could be a fee for an item that was lost or damaged. Please see, email, or call the Circulation Department at 847-455-6016, ext. 230.
The lack of fines does not affect how quickly items are returned. Return rates tend to stay the same as before, and patrons appreciate the extra time to return an item and not be charged.
Income generated by fines is less than 0.38% of the Library’s budget, and the Library does not rely on this income for regular operations.
Fines are meant to encourage the timely return of items as opposed to being a steady source of revenue.
Most items checked out at Franklin Park Library will be fine free for all patrons, however, you may have fees on your account from your home library. Please check with your home library for further information.
Visit or call the Circulation Desk at 847-455-6016, ext. 1 or email at
Item Type | Loan Period | Checkout Limits | Overdue Fees | Additional Requirements | |||||||||
Fiction | 4 weeks | Unlimited | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
Nonfiction | 4 weeks | Unlimited | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
Large Print Books | 4 weeks | Unlimited | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
Audiobooks | 4 weeks | See fine free policy. | |||||||||||
NEW Fiction | 2 weeks | See fine free policy. | |||||||||||
Magazines | 2 weeks | See fine free policy. | |||||||||||
Music CDs | 2 weeks | 10 per card | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
TV Series DVDs | 2 weeks | See fine free policy. | |||||||||||
Nonfiction DVDs | 2 weeks | See fine free policy. | |||||||||||
STEAM Kits | 2 weeks | 2 per card | See fine free policy. | 18 and older | |||||||||
Early Literacy Kits | 2 weeks | 2 per card | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
Wi-Fi Hotspots | 2 weeks | 1 per card | $5 per day | FPPLD patrons 18 and older | |||||||||
DVDs/Blu-rays | 1 week | 10 per card | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
NEW DVDs/Blu-rays | 1 week | 5 per card | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
Roku Streaming Devices | 1 week | 1 per card | $1 per day | FPPLD patrons 18 and older | |||||||||
VHS-to-Digital Converter Kit | 1 week | 1 per card | $1 per day | FPPLD patrons 18 and older | |||||||||
Video Games | 1 week | 2 per card | See fine free policy. | ||||||||||
PlayStation VR Headset Kit | 1 week | 1 per card | $5 per day | FPPLD patrons 18 and older | |||||||||
Meta Quest 2 VR Headset Kit | 1 week | 1 per card | $5 per day | FPPLD patrons 18 and older | |||||||||
Chromebook Mobile Hotspot Kit | 2 weeks | 1 per card | $5 per day | FPPLD patrons 18 and older |
Types of materials that the Franklin Park Public Library District does not purchase may be
interlibrary loaned, but are limited to 2 (two) items per card.
Visit or call the Circulation Desk at 847-455-6016, ext. 1 or email at
The Franklin Park Public Library District recognizes the importance of education and seeks to share our resources and to support our local school districts, educators, and students.
Educators for the purposes of this policy include administrators, teachers, school media specialists, and school librarians. Educators at public school districts #81, #83, #84, and #212 are eligible for an Educator Library Card at the Franklin Park Public Library. Educators from local school districts may apply for a card at the Circulation Desk by presenting a current school-issued employment ID. If the school-issued ID is not a photo ID, current photo identification is also required.
Educator Library Cards are to be used solely for curriculum and instructional support. Holds may be placed, and materials may be requested through the SWAN Consortium. Digital accounts for Franklin Park Public Library’s online resources may be created with an Educator Library Card.
Educator Library Cards follow the same rules of use as resident library cards including loan periods, renewals, late fees, and other fees. The individual educator who signs up for a card is responsible for returning library materials on
Educator Library Cards are valid for local use only at the Franklin Park Public Library, and have a one-school year expiration date. Educator Library Cards may be renewed annually. Renewal requires the presentation of a current school-issued employment ID to Circula
Visit or call the Circulation Desk at 847-455-6016, ext. 1 or email at
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that you can use to borrow materials that are not owned by the Franklin Park Library. ILL is offered only to those with a valid and current Franklin Park library card. If your fines exceed $5.00, your request will not be processed until the fines are less than $5.00.
Make requests in person by asking at the Info Desk (ext. 229) or the Kids Crossing Desk (ext. 260). You can call 847-455-6016 or email requests to Another option is placing your requests online by using the WorldCat database and clicking on the ILL button.
We will attempt to borrow books, spoken word recordings, CDs, photocopies of magazine and journal articles, DVDs and videos from libraries outside of the SWAN consortium. Some requested materials are more difficult to borrow and therefore the requests may take a longer time to fill or may remain unfilled. Examples include books published during the current year, video and sound recordings, very old materials, and rare or highly specialized materials not widely held by other libraries.
If you are requesting items from other SWAN libraries, there is no limit to the number of items you can request. If you are requesting items from libraries outside of SWAN, then there is a limit of 5 requests per week.
Our library can borrow from most of the libraries in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. We do not borrow from libraries outside of the United States and/or libraries that charge a fee for their materials.
When your ILL materials arrive, Circulation staff will give you a phone call. If your ILL request was unfilled, the ILL Librarian will notify you by phone or email, if you provided your email address on the request form.
You can pick up your ILL materials at the Circulation Desk. You must use the same library card to check out materials that was used to request the materials.
There are no fees to use ILL, however, if you forget to pick up your requested ILL materials, you will be charged $3.00 per item. This fee does not apply to materials borrowed from other SWAN libraries.
Yes. If you wish to renew your ILL materials, you should contact the library at least one week before the item is due. The ILL Librarian will then request a renewal from the library the material came from and will call you to let you know the renewal’s status. DVDs and videos may not be renewed. If you do not renew and you keep your items after the due date, you will be charged $.10 per day for print materials and sound recordings and $.25 per day for DVDs and videos.
Visit or call the Circulation Desk at 847-455-6016, ext. 1 or email at
The Collection Development Policy documents the guidelines for selection, maintenance, and deselection of materials. The Library is committed to serving the needs and interests of its community, and the Library acknowledges that those needs and interests may change and evolve over time. The policies and procedures presented here will be re-evaluated on an ongoing basis and will undergo changes as necessary to enable the Library to continue to fulfill its community’s needs and expectations.
Section 1: Confidentiality of Patron Records
Personally identifiable information about library users must be kept confidential in accordance with the Illinois Records Confidentiality Act (“the Act”). The Act provides that confidential library records (records pertaining to an individual patron’s use of library materials or resources) may not be released or made available in any format to a federal agent, state or local law enforcement officer, or other person without a court order. At the same time library staff must cooperate with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies when they are acting within the scope of a lawfully issued court order.
However, Public Act 95-0040 allows an exception to the Library Records Confidentiality Act. Enforcement officers may request information in emergency situations regarding the identity of suspects, witnesses, or victims where the officer believes there is imminent danger of physical harm provided:
Only information identifying a suspect, witness or victim of a crime may be disclosed to an officer without a court order. All other information remains confidential without a court order.
The “Police Request for Information Form” should be completed by the officer requesting information when a court order has not been issued.
The Library may ask a court to review whether an officer’s request complied with the law. Libraries are protected from patron claims that disclosure under the law constitutes a breach of confidentiality.
Section 2: Subpoenas
A subpoena is a document that requires someone to give testimony and/or produce documents pertinent to a pending case. A subpoena specifies an appearance in court or production of documents at a designated time and location. The time period between the date a subpoena is served and the date of compliance affords time to discuss with the Library’s attorney procedures for subpoena compliance.
Through the issuance of subpoenas, law enforcement agencies and other third persons involved in legal matters to which the library is not a party may seek to compel production of library records that they consider relevant to such matters. Subpoenas may present issues of confidentiality and may also be subject to other valid objections in some cases.
To protect the interests of the Library and Library users, any Library employee who is served with a subpoena relating in any way to Library operations will immediately forward the subpoena to the Executive Director or Board President for review. In no event shall the employee receiving the subpoena undertake actions to comply with or respond in any way to the subpoena before review by the Executive Director or Board President.
The Executive Director or Board President will identify and review any records that are subject of the subpoena. The Executive Director or Board President may consult legal counsel as to any legal issues involved, including determining whether the subpoena is valid and what procedures are to be followed in complying with the subpoena.
The Executive Director or Board President will give written notice to the user whose records have been subpoenaed and the user’s legal counsel, if known, that a subpoena has been served. However, users and/or their attorneys will not be contacted in those circumstances when the Library is notified that the court has ruled that the issuance of the subpoena is to be kept confidential.
The Executive Director or Board President will arrange for an appropriate response to be made to the subpoena within the required time constraints.
Section 3: Search Warrants
A search warrant is a court order issued by a judge directed to a law enforcement officer authorizing the search and seizure of property described in the search warrant. Unlike a subpoena, a search warrant is executable immediately. The law enforcement agent or officer may begin a search of Library records as soon as the search warrant is personally delivered to Library staff.
Section 3.1: Search Warrant Procedure
Use of security cameras is intended to enhance the safety and security of Franklin Park Public Library District users and staff by discouraging violations of the Library District’s Code of Conduct, assisting Library staff in preventing violations, and providing law enforcement assistance in prosecuting criminal activity.
A copy of this policy may be shared with any patron or staff member upon request. The policy is also posted on the Franklin Park Public Library District’s official website.
Questions from the public may be directed to the Library Director.
The Library disclaims any liability for use of the video data in accordance with the terms of this policy, given that the library is a public facility and the security cameras shall be limited to those areas where patrons and/or staff have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
Adopted: 3/12/2019
It is the policy of the Franklin Park Public Library District to prohibit all animals from entering the library facility, with the exception of service dogs and miniature horses, service dogs and miniature horses in training, or animals featured in programs sponsored by the Franklin Park Public Library District (FPPLD).
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service dog is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include but are not limited to: guiding people who are blind; alerting people who are deaf; pulling a wheelchair; alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure; reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications; calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. The crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks. Beginning on March 15, 2011, only dogs are recognized as service animals under Titles II and III of the ADA.
The term “disability” means, with respect to an individual:
(a) A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual;
(b) A record of such an impairment; or
(c) Being regarded as having such an impairment.
If an individual meets any one of these three tests, he or she is considered to be an individual with a disability for the purposes of coverage under the ADA.
Notwithstanding the limitation of only dogs being recognized as service animals, federal regulations do allow the consideration of a miniature horse to also be recognized as a lawful service animal [28 CFR 35.136(i)(1)]. An individual with a disability may be allowed to utilize a miniature horse as a service animal, subject to all of the restrictions stated in this policy, but also subject to the following factors set forth by the ADA:
(a) The horse in question may be no more than 34 inches tall measured at its shoulder, and it may weigh no more than 100 pounds.
(b) As with dogs, the horse must have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of the individual with the disability
(c) As with dogs, the handler of the horse must be able to be in sufficient control of the horse, and the horse must be housebroken.
(d) The presence of the horse may not compromise legitimate safety requirements that are necessary for the safe operation of library service.
2.1 No pets or animals other than service dogs, service miniature horses (see 1.3), or service dogs and miniature horses in training are allowed in the Library. Owners of pets will be asked to remove them from the Library.
2.2 Individuals with disabilities may bring their service dogs into all areas of the Library where members of the public are normally allowed. All service dogs must be under the full custody and control of their handler at all times. Also, all service dogs must be on a leash or harness at all times unless the handler is unable to leash or harness the dog because of a disability or use of a leash or harness would interfere with the dog’s safe, effective performance of work or tasks. If the service dog cannot be leashed or harnessed, it must be otherwise under the handler’s control (e.g. voice control, signals, or other effective means). Owners of the service dog are solely responsible for the supervision and care of the service dog. Owners must keep the service dog directly with them at all times.
2.3 Users of service dogs are not required to show papers or to prove a disability. Service dogs are not required to be licensed or certified by a state or local government or training program, or be identified by a special harness or collar.
2.4 Staff may ask two questions: (1) Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? (2) What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Owners of service dogs in training will indicate that they are working dogs and not pets. Terms used may include assistance, service, guide, hearing, or helping dog. Staff may not ask about the owner’s disability.
2.5 A person with a disability may not be asked to remove his or her service dog or service dog in training from the Library unless: (1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2) the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, Library staff must give the person with the disability the option to obtain library services without having the service dog or service dog in training on the premises.
2.6 Fear of allergies, annoyance on the part of other patrons or employees, or fear of dogs are generally not valid reasons for denying access or refusing service to people with service dogs or service dogs in training.
3.1 The Library may have animals in the building as part of its educational and recreational offerings.
4.1 The FPPLD does not condone leaving non-service animals outside the Library in a way that may endanger the animal or Library patrons. The FPPLD reserves the right to contact the police regarding any unattended animals on its premises.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Revised. The Department of Justice published revised regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for title II (State and local government services) and title III (public accommodations and commercial facilities) on September 15, 2010, in the Federal Register.
Federal Regulations: Title 28. Judicial Administration, Chapter I. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Part 35. NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES, Subpart B. General Requirements, Section 35.136. Service animals [28 CFR 35.136(i)(1)].
Adopted: 11/12/2019
The Franklin Park Library understands cell phones are a vital component of communication and information gathering. Polite cell phone use and text messaging is permitted throughout the library. Remember to speak quietly and respect your neighbors, and please set your cell phone to vibrate.
At this time, the Franklin Park Library does not allow food in the library in order to preserve our resources.
Covered beverages are allowed in our public seating areas.
Areas where covered beverages should not be consumed:
Telephones at the Franklin Park Public Library are reserved for staff use for official business. Telephone lines need to be kept open at all times so that Library staff can be available to assist patrons and answer questions. Patrons of the Library may not use Library telephones except in the following circumstance:
The Library has no public pay phone available.
Personal calls will not be made for patrons.
Calls requiring more than approximately 2 to 3 minutes cannot be made for the patron.
The Franklin Park Public Library District provides Internet access to Library patrons. This supports the Library’s role as a source of information, intellectual development, and enrichment. The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. It is the user’s responsibility to use the Internet wisely. Although the Library’s computers are filtered, filters do not guarantee the exclusion of all material anyone might find offensive.
All users must accept the online Internet User Agreement.
Access is available during all hours that the Library is open to the public. Each patron is guaranteed one hour of Internet use per day. Access is not guaranteed in the event of equipment failure or power outage. Library staff provides limited computer assistance.
The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal equipment used in conjunction with Library computers, nor is the Library responsible for the damage done by a patron’s computer use.
Printers and scanners are available for public use. Printouts are 10 cents per page for black and white, and 50 cents per page for color.
The computers by the Information Desk are available for adults and young adults (ages 13 and up).
Adult library users must accept the online Internet User Agreement to use the computers. Adult Franklin Park residents without a library card will be issued a Guest Pass.
The computers in the children’s room are available for children under the age of 18 and their families. Solo adults may not use these computers. Children under 9 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. If all the computers are in use, high school students and families may be sent to use unoccupied computers by the Information Desk. Franklin Park library card holders 9 years of age and older may sign on a computer with his/her library card number. Children ages 9 years and older without a library card will be issued a Guest Pass.
As with all library materials, restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. Access to the Internet is essential in this digital age. Offering Internet access supports the Library’s and the local schools’ mission to promote life-long learning through information literacy. Minors will be allowed Internet access unless a parent or guardian signs the Internet Opt-Out form.
Non-residents may use the Library’s computers if they are not in use. Non-residents will be issued a Guest Pass for an hour of time, and must accept the online Internet User Agreement. Time will be extended automatically as long as other patrons are not waiting to use the computers.
Non-resident minors under the age of 9 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
If a patron is not in good standing with the Circulation Department, his/her Internet privileges may be restricted or terminated. Patrons whose records show them owing $5.00 or more are not allowed to use the computers until their fees are paid.
The Library offers free wireless Internet access to all patrons. Wireless Internet access falls under the same rules as the Library’s Public Internet Access Policy.
Patrons must provide their own equipment. The Library does not provide equipment nor does it guarantee compatibility with the wireless network. Wireless Internet access is available throughout the library building, but there may be spots where connectivity is weak or non-existent. Library staff does not provide technical assistance for wireless Internet access.
The wireless Internet access is filtered. Filters do not guarantee the exclusion of all material that a patron may find offensive. Parents or guardians are responsible for the monitoring and restricting of a minor’s use of the Wireless Internet access.
The Library’s wireless network is unsecured. The Library is not responsible for any consequences that may result while using wireless Internet. The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal equipment that may occur when using wireless Internet.
I agree to abide by the following rules while using the Internet at the Franklin Park Public Library:
I understand that failure to comply with any of these rules may result in loss of my Internet privileges at the Franklin Park Public Library District.
Adopted June 1, 2004 Rev. 3/6/07, 8/20/08, 11/9/10, 8/13/13, 10/11/16.
Use of the meeting rooms for non-library sponsored programs and events will be governed by the following restrictions:
Adopted November 8, 1994. Revised 7/26/2018. Latest revision 3/9/2023.
Visit or call the Info Desk at 847-455-6016 ext. 3, or email
The Franklin Park Public Library District Board of Trustees welcomes comments from the public who attend Board meetings. The Board provides a specific period on the agenda during meetings when citizens may comment.
Guidelines and procedures regarding public comment at Board meetings:
Adopted May 5, 2009 Rev. 6/1/2010, 11/10/2015 , 1/10/17
The Franklin Park Public Library District Board of Trustees abides by the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et. seq.) and cooperates with representatives of the print and broadcast media and with other members of the public who wish to make either video or audio recordings of public meetings so long as said recordings neither disrupt a meeting, nor violate the rights of the members of the public body, witnesses, or the public. The chairperson of the Library Board of Trustees may impose additional rules or limitations on recording as necessary to preserve the decorum of the meeting and avoid disruption of the meeting.
Under the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Franklin Park Public Library District Board of Trustees may hold a closed meeting or executive session when it addresses one of the exemptions found in 5 ILCS 120/2(c). An audio recording of these sessions is made during the closed meeting and kept in accordance with the regulations specified in the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
Any person may record the proceedings at an open meeting by film, tape, or other means. Recording by the public may not be disruptive to the meeting, may not block vision of board members, and any cords used may not be a hazard to people in the room. Anyone wishing to record a meeting must provide their own equipment, including all cords. Use of outlets is allowed providing all other rules are met.
Adopted November 10, 2015
The Franklin Park Public Library District is a public facility and a person’s presence may be recorded or become publicly known while on library property.
Persons taking photographs and/or videos shall not (1) compromise a patron or staff member’s right to privacy, (2) harass, intimidate, or threaten a patron or staff member; or (3) block library aisles, walkways, doors, or exits.
Photographing, filming, and audio recording of library programs is permitted provided that permission is granted in advance by the presenter or the owner of any copyrighted material.
Permission is not required for taking photographs or videos in public areas of the library building for personal, noncommercial use if no tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment are used. However, there may be library locations where the taking of photographs or videos is restricted or prohibited (i.e., restrooms).
Taking photographs or videos of, or in, areas reserved for staff use only is prohibited.
Taking photographs and videos outside of the library building and/or of the library grounds does not require permission. However, the activity may not impede the ingress or egress of patrons or staff to or from the library building.
The Library may permit use of its facilities for the taking of commercial photographs or videos if the project does not interfere with the mission of the Library and is in accordance with this policy.
Persons involved in taking photographs or videos are solely liable for any injuries to persons or property that result from their activities on library property. They also have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials. The Library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.
Library staff may take photos, videos, and audio recordings at the Library and during library events .for use in library promotional materials, and on the Library’s website and social media sites.
The Library reserves the right to document its services and the public’s use of the building and grounds. These photographs, videos, and audio recordings may be copied, displayed, televised, and published (including on any library website or social media site). Any individual that does not wish the Library to use a photograph or video of them or their child should inform a library staff member prior to or while such photographs or videos are being taken.
Adopted: 8/9/2022
Volunteers may be used for many jobs in the library. These jobs must be approved by the Executive Director and be ratified by the Board of Trustees when appropriate. The use of individual volunteers is at the discretion of the Executive Director.
The Library District will have a Volunteer Coordinator. This duty will be assigned to a library employee. The Coordinator will instruct volunteers in such policies and procedures as may apply to them.
There will be no monetary remuneration or benefits for any volunteer.
Volunteers are required to fill out a volunteer application form and submit three (3) references.
Volunteers will be supervised by the Department Head or senior employee in the department to which the volunteer is assigned. Volunteers may be reassigned or dismissed from a job at the discretion of the Executive Director.
Volunteers shall not work for the library if they are using alcohol or are under the influence of drugs at the time.
The mission of the Franklin Park Public Library District is to maintain and improve the quality of life for people of the community by providing multi-faceted access to educational and recreational information while promoting the value of the Library and its services.
Unless otherwise specified, volunteers report to the library’s Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator may arrange for specific volunteers to report to members of other departments, especially if the volunteering activity requires close coordination or supervision.
Please note that the “person in charge” of the library varies according to who is present. In descending order these are the Executive Director, Assistant Director, Head of Adult Services, Librarian with the most seniority. This is useful to know if you have questions when the Volunteer Coordinator (or other assigned supervisor) is not available.
The library is open six days a week:
Monday – Wednesday: 9 AM – 9 PM
Thursday – Friday: 9 AM – 7 PM
Saturday: 9 AM – 4 PM
The library is closed on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Easter Sunday
Sunday prior to Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Juneteenth (June 19)
Sunday prior to Independence Day when Independence Day falls on a Monday
Independence Day
Sunday prior to Labor Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Eve after 5 PM
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve after 5 PM
A few of the behavior standards adopted for employees also apply to volunteers:
If you are unable to be at your volunteer assignment, be sure to call the library to report your absence.
The Employee E-Mail and Internet Use policies are adopted for application to volunteers:
Volunteers who have e-mail and /or Internet access are expected to use this access to improve library services. Internet use that helps familiarize volunteers with information providers and useful information sites is encouraged. Personal use is discouraged. Excessive personal use may be grounds for dismissal.
Library computers are library property. Their use can and may be monitored and Internet histories checked at any time.
Personal telephone calls are discouraged. Emergencies, of course, arise but such calls are expected to be of minimal length. Telephone calls placed for personal business or recreational use are forbidden.
Volunteers are not paid for their services, though they may be reimbursed for volunteer related automobile use (the standard US rate applies), meals, etc. Activities which may lead to such reimbursement must be approved in advance by the volunteer’s supervisor and the Executive Director.
The library maintains an Emergency Manual. Copies are available in all departments. Volunteers are expected to read it and to know where it can be easily found.
The Library District has adopted a Sexual Harassment Policy. In brief, employees shall not be subject to sexual harassment. This is also true of volunteers. Extending this policy to volunteers, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when:
The Sexual Harassment Policy in its entirety follows:
Sexual harassment prohibited by this policy includes verbal, physical or other conduct of a sexual nature. The terms intimidating, hostile or offensive as used above include conduct which has the effect of humiliation, embarrassment or discomfort. Sexual harassment can occur between men and women, or members of the same gender. This behavior is unacceptable in the work place itself and in other work-related settings such as business trips and business-related social events.
Sexual harassment also includes unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, unnecessary touching of an individual, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, a display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, sexually explicit or offensive jokes or physical assault where the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
The most severe and overt forms of sexual harassment are easier to determine. On the other end of the spectrum, some sexual harassment is subtler and depends to some extent on individual perception and interpretation. An example of the most subtle form of sexual harassment is the use of endearments. The use of terms such as ‘honey,’ ‘darling’ and ‘sweetheart’ is objectionable to many women who believe that these terms undermine their authority and their ability to deal with men on an equal and professional level. Another example is the use of compliment that could potentially be interpreted as sexual in nature. Below are three statements that might be made about the appearance of a woman in the workplace:
The first statement appears to be simply a compliment. The last is most likely to be perceived as sexual harassment, depending on the individual’s perceptions and values. To avoid the possibility of offending an employee, it is best to follow a course of conduct above reproach, or to err on the side of caution.
The primary purpose of the Franklin Park Public Library District’s electronic sign is to promote Library programs and Library services. The Library Board of Trustees and/or the Executive Director or designee reserve the right to deny use of the sign, alter the contents and design of information, and pull and post messages as they see fit.
The electronic sign is available to post messages of other Village of Franklin Park municipalities that provide programs and services to the residents of Franklin Park with approval of the Executive Director or designee for a limited time, space permitting.
The electronic sign may not be used to promote or advertise meetings and events taking place in the Library’s meeting spaces that are not sponsored by the Library.
The electronic sign is not available for the promotion of private businesses or individuals. With the exception of Village of Franklin Park municipalities, the electronic sign is not available for the promotion of for-profit groups or organizations or non-profit groups or organizations. The sign will not be used for political campaigns.
Signage posted on the outside Library property must be approved by the Executive Director. The Executive Director has the right to deny any signage requests. Signs pertaining to Library programs and services will be allowed without prior approval.
Signs pertaining to community wide events not sponsored by the Library may be allowed with the approval of the Executive Director. After the event date, signs shall be removed by the person or group responsible for placing the sign.
Except for those times when the Library facility is used as a polling place, no political signs will be allowed. No signs promoting private businesses or the sale of goods and services will be allowed.
Non-Library produced literature intended for posting will be confined to the public bulletin boards at the Library’s discretion.
Private commercial notices will not be posted.
The Library reserves the right to determine the suitability of an item for posting.
The Library reserves the right to remove items in order to make space for new items.
The Library reserves the right to remove items that are out-of-date.
Denied signage requests can be appealed to the Board of Trustees in writing. Appeals will be considered at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to deny any signage requests.
Adopted: 8/13/2015
Public Act 97-0609 amended the Open Meetings Act [5 ILCS 120], effective 1 January 2012, for employers that participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF). In accordance with the Act, a list of all employees whose total compensation package equals or exceeds $75,000 is available in the library’s Business Office. The Business Office is open Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.